Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Scanner Face

I was very amazed to find out that a scanner can do something more than just scanning a piece of paper. It was uberly exciting to scan my own face and see how it came out. Even though the outcome of the photo wasn't quite satisfying, I was ready to explore the world of Adobe Illustrator.
When I saw some of my friends' work from last semester, I thought we had to make our own shapes and color just by observing the photo, but since we learned to use pen tool and eyedropper to make exact shapes and color, the assignment was, thankfully, way easier than expected. However, I had a challenging time making nice, big, solid shapes. My shapes were generally small and RANDOM! Opacity was the solution, though. I could make any shapes and make them transparent as needed, then just layer them. Also, I found that using opacity tool gave the face some more realistic and jelly-ish kind of texture, which I am really fond of.
As I look at the finished work, I find some flaws, but, overall, I am happy with the outcome, and I enjoyed experiencing Adobe Illustrator for the first time.

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