Actually, I just lied. I already spent too much time writing the first paragraph, because of fear I had. And now that I am short on time, I will just casually and quickly write my response.
Well, this awesome article really gave me good tips about writing better. I am sure most people probably already have known many of these tips from their English class or something, but it's always nice to read something like this and remind myself to write better next time, because we always write!
Actually, I won't summerize the article I read like I originally planned on, because, I mean, as I look back(physically), whoa, half of the class is gone. I need to wrap up. Plus, no one cares about a summary of tips about writing well. If you wish to know the tips, you can just read the article:
This website is great. Oh, except for the fact that I get sick of the words, "creative" or "creativity", when I am on the website. Those words are overused on their page and being creative should not be that easy. Regardless, I am definitely interested in reading and watching all these information and videos, and I regret I didn't do this when I had a lot of time over the weekend.
Well, sadly, time to say bye.
Happy Halloween.